We make these ornaments every year. They are super easy to make and something the entire family can get involved in. Plus, they satisfy my need to make Christmas cookies without having said cookies in the house.

We make these ornaments every year. They are super easy to make and something the entire family can get involved in. Plus, they satisfy my need to make Christmas cookies without having said cookies in the house.
Last year, I saw this tiny nativity and wanted one so badly. I decided to dust off my craft table and give it a go. To my great joy, I did this with zero sewing and minimal cutting. If you can paint and hot glue, you’re golden.
Thank goodness for Thanksgiving. This gives us a chance to step back from all the getting and focus on what we’re grateful for. Here are 10 ideas of gratitude activities to do with your kids
Because a large portion of my google/pinterest/cookbook searches include the word pumpkin, I’ve tried many healthy pumpkin recipes. Here are a few of my favorite sweet pumpkin recipes.
Sadly, it seems like Thanksgiving is getting outshined by early Christmas celebrations and food. And while I fully support both Christmas shopping and food, I want my kids to know why we celebrate Thanksgiving. Every year we put up a “Thankful” tree. Beginning November 1, each of the kids has to write one thing they’re […]
Let’s face it, candy corn is disgusting. But, it’s still fun because it’s full of fall colors. Here’s a healthy way you can have candy corn in your home without having to eat through the pain.
While I love Halloween, I don’t love sugar crash my kids get after every Halloween party. I’ve decided this year, I’m going to do my part to eliminate that. Here are 13 healthy snacks to take to a Halloween party that still have a festive twist.
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