I’m always excited for January to come to have a good reset. Every January I do some kind of nutrition “challenge.” The question is, do we need a nutrition challenge to reset?

I’m always excited for January to come to have a good reset. Every January I do some kind of nutrition “challenge.” The question is, do we need a nutrition challenge to reset?
Last week I posted about my experience with the Whole 30. I firmly believe the key to success on any eating challenge is to have the right food. These foods help me survive the Whole 30.
One of the challenges I’ve done is the Whole 30. If you’re unfamiliar with the Whole 30, it’s a challenge that requires you to eat Paleo for 30 days. Paleo basically means you get to eat meat, eggs, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds for 30 days. Not only does this help clean out your body […]
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