Last year I was asked to bring in a fun Valentine’s Day snack to my kids’ school Valentines’ Day parties. I wanted to do something fun but actually provide the kids what I’d consider a nutritious snack. Here’s what we came up with.

Last year I was asked to bring in a fun Valentine’s Day snack to my kids’ school Valentines’ Day parties. I wanted to do something fun but actually provide the kids what I’d consider a nutritious snack. Here’s what we came up with.
Did you know that everything is going to kill our children? It’s true. Yesterday I was browsing through Facebook while I was taking a relaxing bath (don’t use your phone in the tub. It’s actually a really bad idea), and I landed on one of those guilt-educing, horror-filled videos. This particular video listed 5 foods that will […]
Two years ago when I made my change to a healthy lifestyle, I dove in head first. There was no weaning off certain foods or adding in healthy habits. I quit the bad stuff cold turkey and added in vegetables like they were going out of style. Looking back, I went crazy.
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