Even though sleep is so important, we don’t make it as much of a priority as we should. We often sacrifice sleep for work, exercise or Netflix. No matter who you are, sleep needs to be a priority. Here are a few tips to get better sleep.

Even though sleep is so important, we don’t make it as much of a priority as we should. We often sacrifice sleep for work, exercise or Netflix. No matter who you are, sleep needs to be a priority. Here are a few tips to get better sleep.
I’m always excited for January to come to have a good reset. Every January I do some kind of nutrition “challenge.” The question is, do we need a nutrition challenge to reset?
How do we survive the holidays without health crashes and sugar comas. What if you don’t want to abstain from Christmas cookies, fudge, hot chocolate and peppermint kisses (a must-have). So if you want to abstain from treats, I have tips for you. But if you want to indulge a bit, I have tips for […]
I have one kid who is very hard to feed. This week I decided to turn his favorite flavor (chocolate chip cookies) in to a low-sugar, high protein and healthy fats treat I feel good about sending to school with him. I almost cried when he took a bite and said, “Wow! These are so […]
Packing school lunches for kids 5-days a week, it’s easy to get burned out and run out of ideas. By Friday I kind of just want to fill each section of their lunch boxes with cheerios and send them a milk chug and a spoon. So to make your life and mine easier, here are […]
Healthy eating requires a bit of sacrifice. That said, there are ways to simplify healthy eating. You don’t have to spend all day behind a kitchen counter to put healthy food on the table. Here are 10 ways anyone can simplify healthy eating.
I wanted shepherd’s pie tonight for dinner, but didn’t want all the work and dishes that go into it. I came up with the perfect version that supplies all the flavors without the time and dishes.
Salmon is extremely healthy and should be a part of everyone’s diet. If you don’t like the flavor of salmon, you need to find a way to give it flavor to make it delicious. These easy, Asian salmon bowls are just the answer. They’re fast and easy to make, delicious and full of nutrients. It’s […]
We can be doing everything right as far as fitness and nutrition goes but if we can’t get a handle on our stress levels it doesn’t make much difference. But we don’t always have time to spend hours each day in a state of “calm.” So let’s get real. How can you practically reduce stress? […]
Last week I wanted sweet, comfort food. I whipped up this healthy, 5 ingredient, chocolate peanut-butter pudding in about 10 minutes. It’s so thick and creamy it could even double as frosting!
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