Because it’s November, pumpkin should be consumed regularly. Pumpkin is an amazing vegetable with several benefits. Here are 10 benefits of eating pumpkin.

Because it’s November, pumpkin should be consumed regularly. Pumpkin is an amazing vegetable with several benefits. Here are 10 benefits of eating pumpkin.
I love to trick my family by adding healthy things to their food. I add beans to their brownies, avocado to their frosting and now cauliflower to their cheese soup. I gave them the soup, listened to them “ooh” and “aah” and never said a word about what was in it. Mwa ha ha! I […]
When it comes to health/weight-loss, there are numerous myths society has taught us over the years. Today I’m going to help debunk 10 of these myths.
I don’t like beans. It’s not the taste or the texture, it’s the after effect. The night I eat beans, I’m groaning on the couch, my stomach churning. The problem is, I love chili. I love it on chips, I love it on fries, and I love it in a bowl with avocado and sour […]
The second my kids walk in the door from school, grocery shopping, playing or even going out to get the mail, they want a snack. To make our lives easier, we made a list of “approved” snacks and put it on the fridge. Here is our list of 30 healthy snacks for kids.
Sadly, it seems like Thanksgiving is getting outshined by early Christmas celebrations and food. And while I fully support both Christmas shopping and food, I want my kids to know why we celebrate Thanksgiving. Every year we put up a “Thankful” tree. Beginning November 1, each of the kids has to write one thing they’re […]
Let’s face it, candy corn is disgusting. But, it’s still fun because it’s full of fall colors. Here’s a healthy way you can have candy corn in your home without having to eat through the pain.
Some nights we have to make dinner in advance. These chicken avocado lettuce wraps are fabulous because we can make them in advance and they’re super yummy. . Plus there’s usually enough to have leftovers the next day for lunch. As a busy mom, those are always my favorite kind of meals.
While I love Halloween, I don’t love sugar crash my kids get after every Halloween party. I’ve decided this year, I’m going to do my part to eliminate that. Here are 13 healthy snacks to take to a Halloween party that still have a festive twist.
It’s Fall!! The air is crisp, the leaves are red, the occasional sweater makes an appearance and the best part of the season shows its lovely orange face: PUMPKIN! I firmly believe pumpkin should be a part of everything I eat whenever possible from October 1 to December 31. It just feels right. Basically, this […]
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