I admit it. I’m a food hoarder. My husband also has a blog and told me he was going to write about my food hoarding. I decided I would beat him to it to get my side out first. Point: me.

I admit it. I’m a food hoarder. My husband also has a blog and told me he was going to write about my food hoarding. I decided I would beat him to it to get my side out first. Point: me.
We have a friend who makes amazing grilled pineapple. Every time I was at her house, I’d eat more than my fair share. I was so sad to learn that she made it by covering it in brown sugar. One day I had a hankering for that sugary, warm, juicy grilled pineapple. I decided there […]
One of the challenges I’ve done is the Whole 30. If you’re unfamiliar with the Whole 30, it’s a challenge that requires you to eat Paleo for 30 days. Paleo basically means you get to eat meat, eggs, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds for 30 days. Not only does this help clean out your body […]
These cinnamon raisin biscuits remind me of childhood, but without the processed, sugary ingredients.
We recently moved into a new house. And while I love my new house, there is one thing about the house I can not stand for. This is the most beige house I’ve ever seen. Luckily I found a way to accommodate a big punch of color in the kitchen.
Girls’ night in college usually involved my roommates and I going to a movie, getting dessert at midnight in a restaurant, daring each other to do something really stupid and then dancing until 2 a.m. when someone would suggest making cookie dough, which we’d do, and then eat the entire bowl before falling asleep on the […]
Two years ago when I made my change to a healthy lifestyle, I dove in head first. There was no weaning off certain foods or adding in healthy habits. I quit the bad stuff cold turkey and added in vegetables like they were going out of style. Looking back, I went crazy.
It’s summer! That means we’re all under a social obligation to barbecue. We love to barbecue, whether it’s just with our family or friends, it’s always a fun time. But, barbecue often means cookies, packaged chips, etc. And for some reason, eating outside makes it easier for me to over-eat. So if you’re like me, […]
Last Saturday afternoon I was pulling weeds in my garden. I felt a tickle in my ear. I thought it must be sweat, but then the tickle turned into a flutter… inside my ear. I quickly realized, there was a bug in my ear. Oh! My! Gosh! I ran to the house in a panic and […]
Last weekend, we grilled burgers for dinner. We wanted potatoes with our burgers and decided to make them on the grill. Maybe we wanted to feel like pioneers (with our propane-fueled, electrical-started grill??). I’m not sure, we just decided we needed to make the potatoes on the grill. The experiment went really well.
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