Last week I posted about my experience with the Whole 30. I firmly believe the key to success on any eating challenge is to have the right food. These foods help me survive the Whole 30.

Last week I posted about my experience with the Whole 30. I firmly believe the key to success on any eating challenge is to have the right food. These foods help me survive the Whole 30.
UPDATE! CONTEST WINNERS ANNOUNCED!! Thank you so much to everyone who entered our first giveaway with C is for Coconut. I love this blog and sharing my personal experiences with you all. It was so fun to read your comments. Several made me laugh and many made me think, “Oh yeah! I totally should have […]
About 9 or 10 months after I started to eat healthy and changed my workouts, I stopped losing weight. I decided to try a new “eating plan.” My friend suggested carb cycling so I thought I’d try it out. Here was my experience.
One of the challenges I’ve done is the Whole 30. If you’re unfamiliar with the Whole 30, it’s a challenge that requires you to eat Paleo for 30 days. Paleo basically means you get to eat meat, eggs, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds for 30 days. Not only does this help clean out your body […]
Two years ago when I made my change to a healthy lifestyle, I dove in head first. There was no weaning off certain foods or adding in healthy habits. I quit the bad stuff cold turkey and added in vegetables like they were going out of style. Looking back, I went crazy.
A few weeks ago I saw a post shared on Facebook in an attempt to encourage equality and social acceptance. What it did for me was leave me angry and frustrated. I’m not going to share the post because I don’t want to give it the publicity, but it was of a plus-size model posing […]
I remember the first time I sprained my ankle. I was 5-years-old and I was walking down the stairs to get my ice skates to go to my friend’s birthday party. I fell down the stairs and sprained my ankle. Rather than cry for my mom, I realized this would mean I couldn’t go to […]
When I lost weight, people tried to compliment me while actually insulting me. Here is the right way to acknowledge this achievement.
Tuesdays are crazy in our house. We leave the house at 11:45 and don’t get home until about 5:30 p.m. While there are some good protein bars and jerky sticks we can pack to eat on-the-go, nothing beats real, whole food. Yet it’s not always easy to transport or eat healthy food to eat while […]
Have you seen that ad going around? It has a half rotten banana and says “5 foods to never eat if you don’t want to be fat.” That’s one of those ads that make my skin itch because the focus is wrong. So I decided to counter that ad with a post about 5 ingredients to […]
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